Ogni disegno è guarnito di consigli pratici, idee, informazioni e suggerimenti.
Ci sono anche sezioni eventi in diverse località in tutto il mondo, e un blog dove troverete informazioni, video, links, o pensieri e idee connesse alla salsa.
Spero vi piaccia!
Heather. xx
DressingSalsa.com is a website showcasing different ideas for possible salsa outfits, complete with info and tips to go with each design. Unlike other sites it´s not selling dancewear, therefore the designs are only limited by my imagination and that of the people I see around me.
Each design will come with practical tips, ideas, info and suggestions.
There are also sections listing events in different locations worldwide, and a blog where I will be adding info, videos, links, or salsa related thoughts and ideas.
I hope you enjoy it!
Heather. xx